Our 2IN1 AQUATIC PARASITIC treatment works very well for pests in your aquariums and ponds. As well as internal and external parasites on your aquatic friends. Hydra and planaria dont stand a chance with this powerful anti parasitic! Great for outdoor ponds and tubs as well as indoor aquariums and tanks.
Not recommended for use on shrimp tanks at full dosages! This is a powerful anti parasitic and overdosing can prove detrimental.
Dosages: subtract water volume taken up by substrate and decorations in your tanks and dose remaining water volume only. An example is a 10 gallon aquarium with substrate and decorations subtracted will leave approximately 8 gallons to be treated.
Maintenance: 1 drop per 2 gallons (monthly or bimonthly)
Treatment: 1 drop per gallon (as needed)
Approximately 20 drops per ml
Treatment can be repeated in 24 hours after water change for bad infestations.